How can becoming a Career Athlete redefine your career and leadership journey?

Just like athletes dedicate themselves to achieving greatness, our Career Athlete Framework empowers you and your team to consistently perform at your best in the workplace, helping you rediscover your true leadership potential  and exceed expectations
every day. 

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How can becoming a Career Athlete redefine your career and leadership journey?

Just like athletes dedicate themselves to achieving greatness, our Career Athlete Framework empowers you and your team to consistently perform at your best in the workplace, helping you rediscover your true leadership potential  and exceed expectations
every day. 

book a call

Are you ready to step up to the challenge? Let's embark on this life-changing odyssey


Are you ready to step up to the challenge? Let's embark on this life-changing odyssey


Welcome to the world of

Career Athlete

Where we embody a way of being and working that redefines leadership excellence and empowers high achievers to thrive in a fast-paced reality. We believe that energy and mindset are the keys to sustainable peak performance, and our mission is to guide individuals, teams and organizations on a transformative journey of personal and professional growth.


Welcome to the world of

Career Athlete

Where we embody a way of being and working that redefines leadership excellence and empowers high achievers to thrive in a fast-paced reality. We believe that energy and mindset are the keys to sustainable peak performance, and our mission is to guide individuals, teams and organizations on a transformative journey of personal and professional growth.

Meet Mylene

In the corporate trenches, I once embodied the classic "Corporate Trooper," executing orders flawlessly, yearning for approval, and desperate to fit in. My primary mission? To climb that corporate ladder by working hard and being liked. But in that pursuit, I sacrificed the confidence to speak out, be bold, and embrace my true self.

Let me be crystal clear. With over a decade leading in HR, I've witnessed the tragedy of untapped potential, watching talented individuals languish in unfulfilling careers. It never dawned on me that an alternative career approach existed. I believed the norm was to dread Mondays and eagerly await Fridays as a brief escape from the relentless grind.

Meet Mylene

In the corporate trenches, I once embodied the classic "Corporate Trooper," executing orders flawlessly, yearning for approval, and desperate to fit in. My primary mission? To climb that corporate ladder by working hard and being liked. But in that pursuit, I sacrificed the confidence to speak out, be bold, and embrace my true self.

Let me be crystal clear. With over a decade leading in HR, I've witnessed the tragedy of untapped potential, watching talented individuals languish in unfulfilling careers. It never dawned on me that an alternative career approach existed. I believed the norm was to dread Mondays and eagerly await Fridays as a brief escape from the relentless grind.

The complication of my second child's birth forced me to confront the power of self-care. Balancing motherhood and a demanding career prompted a deep reevaluation. The constant juggle transformed into a battle, urging me to discover my true purpose. In that pivotal moment, I embarked on a journey of profound self-discovery—a quest to reshape my career, life, and well-being.

Real success, I realized, isn't conforming to a predefined mold; it's embracing uniqueness and thriving authentically.

In this transformative process, inspiration struck in an unexpected place—professional athletes. Their relentless pursuit of excellence, ability to rebound from setbacks, and unwavering commitment to optimizing mind and body captivated me. Why not apply the athlete's mindset to my own life? Why not infuse every aspect of my existence with a mastery and growth-oriented perspective?

The complication of my second child's birth forced me to confront the power of self-care. Balancing motherhood and a demanding career prompted a deep reevaluation. The constant juggle transformed into a battle, urging me to discover my true purpose. In that pivotal moment, I embarked on a journey of profound self-discovery—a quest to reshape my career, life, and well-being.

Real success, I realized, isn't conforming to a predefined mold; it's embracing uniqueness and thriving authentically.

In this transformative process, inspiration struck in an unexpected place—professional athletes. Their relentless pursuit of excellence, ability to rebound from setbacks, and unwavering commitment to optimizing mind and body captivated me. Why not apply the athlete's mindset to my own life? Why not infuse every aspect of my existence with a mastery and growth-oriented perspective?

This holistic approach became my game-changer.

Confidence skyrocketed. At work, I found the courage to step into my true self. At home, I shed the 'super mom' pressure, reveling in simple, beautiful moments with my children. My energy surged in both my professional and personal life.

From Corporate Trooper to Career Athlete—I get it.

As your guide, drawing from a decade in HR leadership, I'm here to help you navigate your own evolution. Because real success isn't about conformity; it's about rewriting norms and thriving authentically.



This holistic approach became my game-changer.

Confidence skyrocketed. At work, I found the courage to step into my true self. At home, I shed the 'super mom' pressure, reveling in simple, beautiful moments with my children. My energy surged in both my professional and personal life.

From Corporate Trooper to Career Athlete—I get it.

As your guide, drawing from a decade in HR leadership, I'm here to help you navigate your own evolution. Because real success isn't about conformity; it's about rewriting norms and thriving authentically.

Now, as a Certified Professional Coach, I'm here to guide you and your organization on a journey of transformation and growth.

Whether a large corporation or a small team, let's create a workplace where everyone says: 'TGIM! – Thank God, it's MONDAY!!'

Ready to unleash your inner Career Athlete?

Book A Discovery Call

I’m an ex-corporate girl, mom of two, and founder of Career Athlete. Welcome to my virtual living room! Stay a while, won’t you?







