Embracing Boring - My 3 Secrets to Stay On Track

Jan 18, 2024
Career Athlete by Mylene Isler - High Performance Coach - Embracing Boring - My 3 Secrets to Stay On Track

It's the third week of January, and as I walk into the gym at 5:30 AM, a familiar scene greets me. The crowds from January 2nd have significantly diminished. Where I once had to find a little space for myself amidst the New Year enthusiasts, I'm now back to the quiet, spacious gym. While I enjoy the calm and space, I can't help but feel for those who started the year with so much motivation. I truly wanted them to succeed. This isn't just about the gym, though. Many people started the year eager to make changes in their lives, hoping to transform something they deeply care about. Maybe it’s getting physically stronger, improving their diet, or enhancing a relationship. If you need a push to keep up with your New Year’s resolutions, here are my three not-so-usual secrets to stay on track.

Secret #1: Consistency Over Joy

I've recently rekindled my love for tennis, a sport that brings me immense joy. However, I know that with my current lifestyle and constraints, making tennis a daily routine isn't feasible. This is where my first secret comes in: prioritize consistency over joy. While tennis is more enjoyable, going to the gym every morning is something I can do consistently. Finding a tennis partner and a facility is harder to maintain. It's about discovering what works for you and sticking with it, even if it's not the most thrilling option. Many people say you need to love what you are doing to make it a lasting change. I'm sorry, but this is far from the truth and has set many up for failure. Of course, you shouldn’t hate what you are doing, but you can choose an activity that, while not exciting, is tolerable and sustainable. No, I don’t love running on the treadmill or lifting weights. But these activities are accessible to me and help me become faster, stronger, and more importantly, they mentally prepare me for a busy day.


Secret #2: The Power of Boring Repetition

The second secret is finding comfort in the boring and simple. A profound statement from a sports coach stuck with me: “What separates elite athletes from the mediocre is their ability to handle the boredom of training every day.” This applies to all of us, not just athletes. I eat the same breakfast almost every day, a protein smoothie (for those who are curious). I adhere to a consistent morning and bedtime routine, following them almost to the minute. My workouts are also at the same time on weekdays. While I do vary a few exercises, I maintain the same overall training structure each week. This consistency is in preparation for my upcoming race in April (again, for the curious 😊).Embracing repetition might sound boring to many, but for me, it eliminates the decision-making process. By not having to decide how to fuel myself or structure my workouts daily, I can redirect that energy towards bigger goals.


Secret #3: Doing It Even When You Don't Feel Like It

The third secret, perhaps the most surprising, is that I often stick to my routine even when I don't feel like it. Every day, there's a tempting alternative – staying in a warm bed, scrolling through social media, or choosing a burger over a quinoa bowl. However, I've learned that my feelings about an activity don't dictate my actions. This detachment from immediate desires is what builds true discipline. I have managed to stay disciplined and consistent with my routines for years. It involves waking up early, getting sweaty in the morning, eating things that might seem boring to others, and shutting down at 9 PM to prepare for bed. After years, I still often don't feel like doing these things. Heck, let me be super honest - I NEVER feel like doing these things. But I keep at it because my feelings towards these activities are irrelevant. What matters is that I show up and do the things that help me. Once you understand that your feelings towards these things don't matter, you stop overthinking and just do it.


As we move beyond the initial excitement of New Year's resolutions, let's acknowledge the uncelebrated heroes of habit formation – the ordinary, the mundane, the 'boring.' These aren’t just elements we have to endure; they are the very core of what builds lasting change.


The gym may be quieter now, but for those of us who remain, there’s a silent understanding. We know that the key to success isn’t found in fleeting excitement but in the repetitive, sometimes dull, yet incredibly powerful routine of showing up every day. This isn’t just about fitness; it's a metaphor for life.


Your journey might look different from mine. Maybe it's not about going to the gym; perhaps it’s about writing a page a day, learning a new language, or simply choosing healthier meals. Whatever it is, remember the principles of consistency, embracing the mundane, and acting beyond feelings.


In a world constantly seeking novelty and excitement, there’s profound strength in embracing the ordinary. Let’s celebrate the power of boring, for it is in these moments that we find the discipline and consistency to truly transform our lives.


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