Jun 20, 2022
Career Athlete by Mylene Isler

“I wish I had the motivation to get up at 5 am every day and have a morning routine before work”.

“I wish I had the motivation to cook nutritious food and start prepping my meals every day.”

“I’m just too busy to exercise now, but I’ll find the motivation later when work slows down.”

Sound familiar?

Motivation is a powerful feeling but is it enough to get you out of bed early in the morning or into the kitchen every day?

Most people rely on motivation to get started or continue with any self-care act.

And it might very well be the case for you too.

But I’d argue that motivation is overrated and what you really need is to build MOMENTUM.

In this blog, I’ll explain what momentum is and why you should build momentum instead of relying on motivation. And, of course, I’ll share some tips on how you can build momentum in your life to help you create the change you are looking for.


What’s Momentum?

Momentum is defined as “the strength or force that allows something to continue or grow stronger or faster as time passes.”

Momentum carries you forward and builds as you go, inherently generating motivation.

Every time you take action (however small the action), you create a sense of momentum. That’s because every action you take brings you one step closer to your goal. And seeing that you’re making progress and are getting closer to your goal creates a sense of achievement which ultimately powers your motivation. As you keep building momentum, you’ll inherently maintain motivation even though you weren’t necessarily seeking it in the first place.


Why Should You Stop Relying On Motivation?

Motivation is defined as “a force or influence that causes someone to do something.” Therefore, in its very essence, motivation needs to be sparked.

For instance, let’s imagine you live a stressful life and would like to handle your stress better. You’ve heard meditation can help but you are often too tired to wake up early and meditate and too busy after work.

One day, you see an old friend that used to struggle with high levels of stress and anxiety. He looks happier and much more relaxed. He tells you all about his morning routine and how he wakes up early every day to meditate before work. It helps him stay grounded throughout the day and keep calm when facing challenging situations. It also allows him to be more present and appreciative of every moment in life.

This positive and inspiring story you were able to experience firsthand is a great source of motivation and empowers you to do the same. If he does it, so can you!

But after five days of getting up early to meditate every morning, you start feeling your motivation drop until it completely erodes, and the idea of getting out of bed so early to go to meditate becomes unappealing.

You’ve just experienced the limits of motivation. It’s not reliable because it comes and goes, peaks and drops.

The same thing happens every year on the 1st of January. Many of us put together a list of resolutions for the new year. These resolutions are supposed to motivate us to reach our goals.

After all, we're yearning for change and a new year is a perfect opportunity for a fresh start. We’re pumped and motivated to start this new journey until the burst of motivation spurred by the thrill of new year’s resolutions dissipates, and we slip back into our old habits a few days or weeks later.

The good news is that you don't need motivation to reach your goals.

Newton’s Law of Motion explains it best: a body in motion stays in motion. So, even if you’re not motivated, you can use momentum to guide you into motivation. Everything starts with movement, aka taking action, meaning the most important thing for you to succeed is to build momentum. 


How To Build Momentum? 

The key to building momentum is to keep moving, especially during times when you don’t feel like it. That’s why it’s important to have a process for yourself that allows for consistency. Make taking action a daily habit regardless of your level of motivation. After all, there’s a reason why high performers are so successful. They all tend to have a daily routine specifically tailored to their own needs, making consistently taking action the core of their personal and professional growth.

For instance, performance coach Tony Robbins’ morning routine includes taking a cold shower, performing breathing exercises, and meditating. This morning routine allows him to prepare his body and mind for the day, boosting his energy levels and allowing him to reach his goals.

While you’re free to create a daily routine that works for you, I often recommend my clients to start their day with an energizing morning routine. The morning me-time allows you to fill up your cup first before anything else. It includes a calming meditation practice, grounding journaling exercise and invigorating workout.

Throughout my career empowering leaders and helping individuals become the best version of themselves, I’ve noticed these habits are the ones that are the most energizing. In fact, I believe that they are key to building momentum and underpinning personal growth.

Now, if you’re eager to reach your goals and are ready to take action, be willing to be uncomfortable. Discomfort is a sign that you’re changing your reality by building a new one. And at the end of the day, that’s exactly what you want. 


Need Help Building Momentum?

At MLA, we know how difficult it can be to create a daily routine and stick to it. But the good thing is that you don’t need to do it alone. Together we can leverage the power of the Energizing Habits to help you and your team members build momentum and reach their goals. But most importantly, we can teach you how to build momentum while enjoying the process! I firmly believe that the journey of achieving your goals can be both challenging and beautiful, and the ride towards success can be more rewarding than success itself ;)

It’s time for you to level up and stop waiting to feel inspired or motivated!


Jump inside our FREE 21-day Morning Maximizer Guide!

Elevate your mornings and unleash your energy potential today with our FREE 21-day morning maximizer to help you start on your morning routine habit.